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Ecosh Immuno-Virus Food Supplement 90 capsules

£ 24.63

£ 32.84

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Sku: KS365902

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For immunity. For oxidative damage. For the respiratory tract. For Energy

A food supplement for immunity with an extremely rich composition.

ECOSH Immuno-Virus contains FlaviPure®, a patented quercetin dihydrate, and PureWay-C®, a patented vitamin C complex with natural plant fatty acids and citrus bioflavonoids. Quercetin is a plant flavonoid (bioflavonoid) found naturally in fruits and vegetables.

It also contains extracts of olive leaf, oregano, wormwood, cordyceps, toasted tree bark, thyme, rhododendron, and hawthorn, as well as extracts of N-acetyl-L-cysteine, resveratrol, manganese, zinc and selenium.

For more information about the product:

  • - Vitamin C, zinc, selenium, oregano and thyme help support normal immune function.
  • - Ant tree bark, vitamin C, manganese and zinc help protect cells from oxidative damage.
  • - Vitamin C and manganese help maintain normal energy metabolism.
  • - Rhodiola rosea has adaptogenic properties.
  • - Oregano and thyme help to maintain normal respiratory function and stimulate the production of upper respiratory and bronchial secretions.
  • - Thyme has antibacterial properties.

Product details

  • Brand:
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  • Directions:

    1-3 capsules a day with meals.

    CAUTION: Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications before using this product. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Keep out of the reach of young children.

    STORAGE: Keep in a dry, cool place out of direct sunlight.

  • Ingredients:
    The ingredients are constantly updated. Before using a product, please read the list of ingredients on its packaging to ensure they are suitable for your personal use.