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Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions in the website KlipShop.co.uk

1. 1. The general provisions

1.1. These Rules of Goods purchase and sale become a binding legal document for the parties after the Customer expresses his/her consent with the same (i.e. after the Customer becomes familiar with the Rules and ticks next to the link “I accept the Rules of KlipShop” available in the Website). This document is considered to be an integral and inseparable part of the Rules and serves as the instrument establishing the rights and duties of the Customer and (or) Purchaser and the Seller, the terms and conditions and procedure if acquisition of Goods and payment for the same, the terms and conditions and procedure of delivery and return of Goods, liability of the parties and other provisions related to purchase and sale of Goods in the website. Terms and sayings commencing with a capital letter in these Rules of Goods purchase and sale have the meaning defined in the procedure of use of the website.

1.2. The seller gives Customers the opportunity to select and order (by placing an order of Goods) as well as to enter into the Agreement for purchase of Goods in the Website that is accessible 7 (seven) days per week.

1.3. Trade takes place in the Website and Goods purchased are delivered in the territory of British Isles.

1.4. The following parties are entitled to purchase Goods in the Website:

1.4.1. natural persons with sufficient capacity, i.e. adult persons whose capacity is not restricted in accordance with applicable legal acts;

1.4.2. minors from fourteen to eighteen years of age only having a consent of their parents or caretakers, except when they have disposition of their own income or are emancipated;

1.4.3. legal entities, represented by the person acting under the establishment documents of such legal entity;

1.4.4. authorized representatives of all aforementioned parties after having provided with the document confirming their right to act on behalf of such natural person or legal entity (authorization, procuration, etc.).

1.5. All agreements for Goods purchase in the Website shall be in English language. The Purchaser is provided with the essential terms and conditions of the Agreement and information regarding Goods ordered (1) at the time of placing of the order in the Website; (2) enclosed to automatically generated electronic notification of the Seller the subject of which is “New order in KlipShop.co.uk” sent to the Purchaser after placement of Goods order to the email address specified by the Seller; and (or) (3), if the Purchaser wishes so, in other durable medium by enclosing them along with an Invoice to the Goods consignment.

2. Goods ordering

2.1. Goods can be ordered by the Customer in two following ways:

2.1.1. by registering in the Website (by creating a user account) and by logging to the Account with his/her email address and password entered in appropriate box;

2.1.2. without registration of an Account in the Website (as the Guest), however such user must first provide his Personal information in the form of Goods order confirmation in accordance with the Website measures.

2.2. When ordering Goods in the ways provided in clauses 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale, the Customer must specify in the appropriate fields of information given in the Website his/her Personal information necessary for a proper fulfilment of the Goods order: first name, last name, address of Goods delivery, phone number and email address. By placing an order and by expressing his/her consent that “I agree with KlipShop Rules” (or analogous reference expressing the Customer‘s will) the Purchaser unconditionally confirms that he/she has the right to purchase Goods in the Website and to enter into the Agreement for their acquisition.

2.3. In all cases, before confirmation of Goods order in accordance with the procedure stipulated in this section of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale, the Purchaser must familiarize a version of the documents of the Rules valid at the time of placing of the order and express his/her consent regarding them. The Purchaser shall confirm his/her familiarity with and acceptance of the documents of the Rules in the way and under the terms and conditions provided in the procedure of use of the Website. The Purchaser must first become familiar with and accept the Rules. Only then an order can be placed and accepted for the Seller‘s processing. In all other cases, when the Purchaser disagrees with the Rules or with a particular part of them, she/she shall have no right to order Goods in the Website.

2.4. In order to enter into the Agreement for Goods acquisition, the Customer must perform technical actions specified in the Website and must place an order for the Seller following the notifications and (or) links provided in the Website:

2.4.1. must select one or several Goods offered in the Website and to place the Goods selected to own basket of Goods after having specified details of each item purchased (number of units, etc.) and after having pressed the Website link “Add to cart”;

2.4.2. must press the Website icon with a sign of a basket of Goods (with an inscription “My cart”) after completion of formation of the basket of Goods, i.e. after having selected all Goods desired by the Customer. Then the Customer will be directed to another window of the Website where he/she will be able to review his/her selections (details of the order). The Customer will be directed to another window of the Website after having pressed an icon with an inscription “Buy”. In this new window the Purchaser, after having logged in to the Account/after having created an Account (if this action has not been performed earlier) or after having selected the function of shopping as the Guest and after having further entered/selected the data requested by the Website (address of delivery, method of payment and other information requested by the Website), will be able to confirm the Goods order being placed for the Seller.

2.5. The Customer shall confirm the Goods order being placed by him/her by pressing on the icon with an inscription “Purchase”. By this moment the Purchaser shall be entitled to change the Goods order, i.e. to change the Goods selected and/or the details of the Goods, delivery details and the method of payment for the Goods.

2.6. After completion of the actions specified in clause 2.4 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale by the Customer and after confirmation of the Goods order under the procedure specified in clause 2.5 above in this document, the Customer expresses his will, in accordance with the provisions of the Rules, to enter into the Agreement with the Seller regarding acquisition of Goods in the Website.

2.7. The Seller shall send an automatically generated electronic notification containing all essential data of the Goods order, the subject of which is “KlipShop.co.uk – order confirmation” (or similar), to the Purchaser‘s email address as confirmation of receipt of the Goods order placed by the Customer.

2.8. The Seller, after having received the Goods order from the Customer for execution, shall immediately check whether the goods specified in the Goods order (by their nature, quantity, etc.) are on stock. If the Seller will be unable to supply to the Customer (Purchaser) all or some Goods ordered in accordance with the procedure stipulated in these Rules of Goods purchase and sale and (or) in the Rules, the Customer will be notified on a relevant status of the Goods order and will decide regarding its execution (partial execution or refusal from/cancellation of a whole Goods order. In any case, the Seller reserves the right to revoke such order within 3 (three) working days from placement of the Customer‘s confirmed Goods order (clause 2.7 of this section), including due to the circumstances set out in clause 2.11 below (the Seller will make all efforts in order to notify the Customer as earlier as possible on the status of the Goods order).

2.9. The Purchaser, after having familiarized and accepted the Rules and after having undertaken to observe the same, confirms that he/she does not oppose non provision of the Rules to the Purchaser separately in the written form (on paper), unless otherwise agreed by the parties to the Agreement. In all cases the Purchaser, wishing to review, save and (or) print out the Rules, can download the same from the Website or may submit a relevant request to the Seller by sending an email to [email protected].

2.10. The Seller shall not be held liable for damage incurred as result of illegal use of the Account by the third parties. If, failing to observe the requirements of the Rules, any other person logs in to the Account and places the Goods order using the Account, it will be considered that these Goods are ordered and (or) acquired by the Purchaser.

2.11. The Seller reserves the right to execute only those confirmed Goods orders that contain correctly and precisely submitted data of the Goods order and other data that are necessary for acquisition and (or) delivery of the Goods (including address of delivery of the Goods, phone number, email address, etc.), also if the Seller does not identify any signs of fraud from the side of the Purchaser (including breach of security of the Website, misuse of the Website system, use of login name and password of an extraneous Customer or pretending to be a different person).

2.12. The Customer, having expressed his acceptance of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale, thus consents that his/her Personal information specified in clause 2.2 can be processed for the purposes of sale of Goods and services in the website (e-commerce) and for the purpose of direct marketing. The Seller confirms that Personal information provided by the Purchaser in connection with placing an order of Goods and entry into the Agreement will be used for the purposes of entry into and execution of transactions of Goods purchase and sale in the Website in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy policy.

2.13. The Customer, by expressing his/her consent that his/her Personal information can be processed for the purpose of sale of Goods and services in the website of the Seller (e-commerce), also consents that information notifications that are necessary for execution of the Goods order can be sent to email address and phone number specified by the customer.

3. The moment of entry into purchase-sale agreement

3.1. Presentation of the Goods sold in the Website does not create any liabilities for the Seller. The Agreement for purchase-sale of Goods shall be considered to be entered into between the Purchaser and the Seller from the moment the Purchaser receives automatically generated email notification of the Seller the subject of which is “KlipShop.co.uk – order confirmation” (or analogous notification) and shall be valid until complete fulfilment of liabilities undertaken by the parties under this Agreement. The aspects in connection with the Purchaser’s opportunity to refuse from the Agreement are discussed in section 8 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

3.2. These Rules of Goods purchase and sale and other Rules, together with the Purchaser‘s order placed in the Website, shall become the Agreement entered between the Purchaser and the Seller that is a binding legal document for both parties to the Agreement.

4. The rights and duties of the Purchaser

4.1. The Purchaser shall be entitled to purchase goods in the Website in accordance with the procedure stipulated by these Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

4.2. The Purchaser, who is the Consumer, shall be entitled to refuse from the Agreement in accordance with the procedure stipulated in section 8 of these Rules of Goods purchase-sale.

4.3. The Purchaser, after having created his/her Account in the Website, shall undertake not to pass his/her log in data to the third parties. If the Purchaser loses the log in data, he/she must immediately notify the Seller thereof by email [email protected].

4.4. The Purchaser, making use of the Website, shall undertake to observe these Rules of Goods purchase and sale, the Rules, other terms and conditions expressly specified in the Website and not violate the legal acts of the territory of British Isles.

5. Obligations of the Seller

5.1. The Seller shall undertake, under the terms and conditions stipulated in these Rules of Goods purchase and sale and in the Website, allow the Purchaser to use the services of the Website.

5.2. The Seller shall undertake to respect the privacy right of the Customer towards the Personal information belonging to the Customer, i.e. to process the personal details specified by the Purchaser only in accordance with the procedure provided for in these Rules and the legal acts in the territory of British Isles.

5.3. The Seller shall undertake to deliver the Goods ordered by the Purchaser to the address specified by the Purchaser under the terms and conditions specified in section 7 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

6. The price of Goods, the procedure and time terms of payment

6.1. Prices of Goods are expressed in Pounds in the Website and are inclusive of all taxes, including VAT and other taxes (if any are applied). The Seller offers to buy Goods in the Website to be delivered in the territory of the British Isles. Therefore, if, under the separate agreement between the Purchaser and the Seller, Goods must be delivered outside the British Isles and (or) the European Union, the Purchaser himself will be responsible for payment of taxes in connection with Goods, including, but not limited to, any import, duty, VAT and other taxes, if any are applied.

6.2. The price of an item (Goods) is exclusive of costs of delivery of Goods and (or) costs of services of other Third parties (if applicable), unless it would be expressly specified and published in the Website that under the certain conditions delivery of Goods is free of charge. The applicable costs of delivery of Goods are specified and provided to the Purchaser at the time of ordering of Goods.

6.3. Goods can be subject to discounts that are not summed up, except when otherwise provided by specific rules of discount or promotion and this is expressly established and published in the Website and (or) in any other instrument of the Rules.

6.4. The Seller shall be entitled to change the price of Goods specified in the Website after placement of the Purchaser‘s order if this relates to technical errors of information system in the Website. The Seller, in the circumstances set out above, after change of the price of Goods, must immediately notify the Purchaser thereof and agree with him/her further execution of the Item order. The Purchaser‘s order shall be cancelled if the Purchaser disagrees with change of the price of the Item discussed in this clause, and in event that the Purchaser has already paid the Seller the price of Goods and (or) costs of delivery of Goods, all these sums paid shall be returned to the Purchaser.

6.5. The Purchaser, by his/her choice, shall pay for Goods and their delivery (if costs of delivery of Goods are separately applied and calculated to the price of Goods) in one of the following ways:

6.5.1. Payment by credit card (credit or debit) or PayPal (international system of payment by payment cards).

6.6. When the Purchaser pays for Goods in the way of payment provided in clauses 6.5.1 and 6.5.3 hereinabove, he/she shall undertake to pay for Goods on immediate basis. The Seller starts to form a parcel of Goods and starts to calculate the time term of delivery of Goods specified in clause 7.2 of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale only after receipt of confirmation of the payment operator about your payment for Goods. Should the Purchaser fail to pay for Goods, it will be considered that the Purchaser refuses from the Agreement and the Seller has no liabilities in respect of the Purchaser arising out of such Agreement. For this reason the Seller shall have the right, without having notified the Purchaser in advance, to cancel the Purchaser‘s order, if the Purchaser, after having selected the way of payment provided in clauses 6.5.1 and 6.5.3 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale, fails to pay for Goods within 3 (three) working days from placement of the Goods order in the Website.

6.7. Each time the Purchaser places the Goods order, by entering into the Agreement the Purchaser consents that an electronic VAT invoice of the order with the purchase details can be sent during purchase to the specified email address. The invoice shall be sent by email on workdays. Please note that in case the Purchaser is the VAT payer, it is obligatory to specify the Purchaser‘s VAT payer‘s code in the field “Comments and additional information” (or analogous field).

7. Delivery of Goods

7.1. Goods shall be delivered to the address of delivery of Goods specified by the Purchaser through the courier invoked or to a self-service parcel terminal. In such case the Purchaser shall withdraw the Goods by himself. To this end, at the time of placement of Goods order the Purchaser shall undertake to select and specify an accurate way of Goods delivery (withdrawal) and the address of Goods delivery (if Goods are to be delivered through Courier). The applicable costs of Goods delivery (if applicable and (or) if is applied depending on the way of transfer of Goods selected by the Purchaser) shall be specified and provided to the Purchaser in the Website at the time of Goods ordering).

7.2. Unless otherwise specified in the Website and (or) in confirmation of Goods order submitted by the Seller to the Purchaser (clause 3.1 of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale, Goods shall be prepared for transfer and (or) shall be delivered to the Purchaser within the period of 2 to 10 working days, calculated from the date of emergence of the circumstances discussed in clause 6.6 of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale. The Purchaser consents that in exceptional cases (including when the required goods are not on stock), delivery of Goods can be late. In such case the Seller shall undertake to contact the Purchaser on immediate basis and to agree a different time term of Goods delivery that is suitable for the Purchaser or revoke the Goods order if the Purchaser wishes to revoke the same. In any case, when the Purchaser is the Consumer, the Seller shall undertake to deliver Goods to the Purchaser not later than within 30 (thirty) days from the date of entry into the Agreement.

7.3. When at the time of placement (formation) of order the Purchaser selects delivery of Goods:

7.3.1. through courier, the Purchaser will be contacted before delivery of Goods to the Purchaser in order to agree details of delivery;

7.3.2. to a self-service parcel terminal or to point of withdrawal, the Purchaser will be able to withdraw the Goods ordered from the parcel terminal and points of withdrawal at the time that is convenient for the Purchaser not later than within 7 calendar days from the moment of submission of our notification on possibility to withdraw the Goods. You will be notified by SMS message and/or email on delivery of a parcel.

7.4. Should the Purchaser fail to withdraw Goods within the time term specified hereinabove in clause 7.3.2 and (or) should the Purchaser fail to notify the Seller and agree with the Seller a later term of withdrawal of Goods or other terms and conditions of withdrawal of Goods (i.e. fails to perform other actions that are necessary for acceptance of items), it will be considered that the Purchaser refuses from the Agreement and the Seller has no liabilities in respect of the Purchaser arising out of such Agreement, except to return all amounts already paid by the Purchaser to the Seller – the price of Goods.

7.5. If Goods are delivered to the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall undertake to accept the Goods by himself/herself, except where the Purchaser at the time of order of Goods specifies the first and the last name of another person who will accept Goods in the column “Comment and additional information” (or analogous field. When the Purchaser is unable to accept the Goods by himself/herself, including when there is no Purchaser or the person specified by the Purchaser at the address of Goods delivery, the person authorized by the Seller (Courier) shall be entitled to issue the Goods to any other capable adult person who is present at the address of Goods delivery after such person has presented confirmation of payment for Goods or another document confirming entry into the Agreement or the right to accept the items delivered. In such case the Purchaser has no right to make any claims to the Seller regarding delivery of Goods to wrong person/entity. If a Courier will not find the Purchaser at the address of Goods delivery specified by the Purchaser, the Courier will try to deliver the Goods order another 3 times.

7.6. In all cases the Seller shall be exempt from liability for breach of time terms of delivery of Goods if Goods cannot be delivered to the Purchaser or are delivered untimely due to the Purchaser‘s fault or due to the Purchaser dependant circumstances and (or) due to force majeure circumstances.

7.7. The Seller, being unable to deliver the Item ordered to the Purchaser because of the important circumstances specified in these Rules of Goods purchase and sale (and if it is impossible to offer analogous Item or an Item that has as bigger advantage as possible over the Item ordered), shall undertake to return within 5 (five) working days to the Purchaser the money paid, if payment was made in accordance with clause 6.5.1 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

7.8. It shall be considered that Goods have been duly supplied (transferred) to the Purchaser after the parties sign the document confirming transfer-acceptance of Goods (their delivery and (or) withdrawal) (e.g. consignment of delivery, invoice, etc. presented by the third party providing services of parcel delivery (Courier). The Purchaser confirms that he/she is aware of the circumstance that the risk of accidental loss or damage of Goods after signature of the document confirming transfer-acceptance of Goods (delivery and (or) withdrawal) shall fall on the Purchaser.

7.9. Quantity of Goods and their packaging shall be inspected at the time of transfer of Goods to the Purchaser. Should the Purchaser determine shortage of Goods, damages of Goods and (or) package of Goods at the time of transfer of Goods, the Purchaser must specify such shortages and damages in the documents confirming transfer of Goods (as discussed in clause 7.8 of this section), also must notify the Seller thereof on immediate basis in writing in the Website or by contacting the Seller by contacts specified in the Rules, as discussed in clause 7.10 of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale. In such case irregularities resulting from any fault on the Seller‘s part shall be eliminated under the procedure and in time term agreed between the Purchaser and the Seller. Later no claims regarding a quantity and (or) package of Goods transferred to the Purchaser shall be accepted.

7.10. The Purchaser must immediately, but not later than within 1 (one) day from the date of sale of Goods to the Purchaser, notify the Seller in writing on determined obvious quality deficiencies of Goods (damage of package, shortage of Goods, etc.) (otherwise, after expiry of the time term established, the Purchaser will have no right to lodge claims to the Seller regarding obvious deficiencies of Goods transferred). In such cases, clause 9.1 of this section of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale shall apply. Please note that the aforementioned clause shall not apply in cases when it is expressly specified in the Website that the Goods sold are with a damaged package and, respectively, are sold for a lower price. It is considered that by ordering such Goods the Purchaser agrees to purchase the same under the circumstances specified and is unable to lodge claims to the Seller regarding damages of the goods‘ package.

8. Agreement disclaimer, return and replacement of Goods

8.1. Damages of Goods sold shall be eliminated, low-quality Goods shall be replaced, returned and (or) the Purchaser can disclaim the Agreement in accordance with the applicable legal acts and under the procedure provided in these Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

8.2. The Purchaser, who is the Consumer, shall be entitled, without specifying the reasons, disclaim the Agreement by notifying the Seller thereof in writing not later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of transfer (delivery) of the Item. When the Agreement encompasses and has been entered into for acquisition of several Goods that shall be separately delivered to the Consumer, the right to disclaim the Agreement shall expire after 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date on which the last Item is sold (delivered) under the Agreement.

8.3. If the Consumer wishes to disclaim the Agreement, he/she must provide the Seller with a free-form application of Goods return (the Consumer may also use a standard form of the Agreement disclaimer enclosed to these Rules of Goods purchase and sale and forms the Annex No 1 (use of this form is optional)). The document confirming the fact of acquisition of Goods from the Seller must be enclosed to such application. Notification of the Purchaser, who is the Consumer, on the Agreement disclaimer shall be sent to the Seller to the contacts specified in clause 12.4 of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale or shall be submitted to the Seller using the functionalities provided in the Website by pressing the appropriate button intended for return of Goods and by performing other actions requested in the Website.

8.4. The Purchaser, who is the Consumer, after having submitted notification of the Agreement disclaimer to the Seller under the procedure established in this section, must at his/her own cost return the Item to the Seller (if it was already transferred to the Purchaser) not later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date on which he/she has submitted the appropriate notification to the Seller by sending the item (using the services of courier) to the address UAB “GSS Baltic“, Zuvininku str. 5, LT-76249, Siauliai.

8.5. The Seller must immediately, but in any way not later that within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which the Seller was notified on the Purchaser‘s decision to use his/her right to disclaim the Agreement, return all payments received from the Purchaser, who is the Consumer, including the price of Goods delivery if such price was applied (except additional costs resulting from the Purchaser‘s choice of another way of delivery instead of the usually cheapest way of delivery offered in the Website). The Seller shall return to the Purchaser a fee paid by the latter using the same way of payment hat was used by the Customer during the initial payment transaction, except the cases when the Purchaser agrees with a different offer of the Seller. The Seller may not return to the Purchaser amounts paid by the latter (the price of Goods and (or) delivery costs) until the Item will be returned to the Seller or until the Purchaser provides the Seller with a written evidence confirming the fact of dispatch of the Item to the Seller (whichever occurs earlier).

8.6. The Purchaser must observe the following terms and conditions when he returns Goods:

8.6.1. the Item returned must be in the original neat package (this clause shall not apply in case of return of a low-value Item);

8.6.2. the Item cannot be damaged by the Purchaser;

8.6.3. the Item must be unused, its merchandising appearance must be intact (this clause shall not apply in case of return of a low-value Item);

8.6.4. the Item returned must be unchanged, i.e. it must be the same as it was received by the Purchaser.

8.6.5. the Customer must provide a document as proof of Item acquisition;

8.6.6. Goods that were purchased from the vendor other than the Seller or that were damaged intentionally or as result of negligence (affected by chemical, open fire, high temperature, sharp objects, etc.) or if the Rules of use or storage of the Item have been infringed, or the Goods were used unduly or misused.

8.7. The Seller shall be entitled to refuse to accept Goods returned by the Purchaser if the Purchaser fails to observe the procedure of Goods return stipulated in this section. The Purchaser shall be held responsible for the value of the Item that has decreased due to actions / factors / circumstances that are unnecessary in order to determine the nature, properties, complexity of the Item.

8.8. The Purchaser, who is the Consumer, shall be entitled to replace the Item within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of Goods with analogous item of different dimensions, shape, colour, model or set, except the Goods provided in clause 8.12 of this Section that can be returned by the Purchaser under the procedure described below only if the Seller‘s consent has been received). Should a difference of prices occur when the Item is replaced with another Item, the Purchaser must pay to the Seller in accordance with the recalculated prices of Goods. The Purchaser‘s requirement to replace the Item should be met if all the terms and conditions provided in clause 8.6 of this section are met and other circumstances provided in the Rules are absent. In order to exercise this right, the Purchaser must deliver the Item to the Seller in the way specified in clause 8.4 of this section and provide original documents of acquisition of Goods.

8.9. If the Seller does not have Goods that are suitable for replacement, the Seller shall notify the Purchaser thereof and the Purchaser shall be entitled to return the Goods to the Seller within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of the appropriate notification. In such case the provisions of return of quality Goods discussed above shall apply.

8.10. If the Item is returned based on the procedure stipulated in clauses 8.1 to 8.7 of this section of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale or is replaced with another Item, as provided for in clause 8.8 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale, all costs of return of Goods shall be borne by the Purchaser. When a low-quality Item is returned to the Seller, the Seller shall compensate the costs of Goods return incurred by the Purchaser.

8.11. If the Purchaser returns a defective Item, it can be returned in the way specified in clause 8.4 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale (with a note: “Return of defective Item”). The Seller must return the Item together with a purchase receipt received at the time of Goods delivery and description of defects noticed. The Purchaser must also enclose his/her application (a standard form of the Agreement disclaimer, that forms an Annex No 1 to these Rules of Goods purchase and sale, can be used (information of the defects of the Goods must be specified in the form).

8.12. Please note that when the Goods acquired on the basis of the Agreement are attributable to a category of and (or) are recognised as perfumery, cosmetics and toilet preparations in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legal acts, the requirement of the Purchaser, who is the Customer, to replace the purchased Item of proper quality with analogous Goods or to return the money paid can be met only after having received a separate consent of the Seller.

9. Guarantee of quality of Goods

9.1. Goods are covered by a quality guarantee provided by their manufacturer and (or) the time term of suitability for use. Their specific term (duration) and (or) other terms and conditions, including the terms and conditions for non-application of guarantee, are specified in descriptions of such Goods, on the package of the Item and (or) in the guarantee books enclosed to the Goods. If the particular types of Goods are not covered with the manufacturer‘s guarantee, such Goods are subject to a guarantee of 24 (twenty four months) provided in the applicable legal acts.

9.2. The Purchaser who has acquired the Item of improper quality shall be entitled at his own choice:

9.2.1. to request a free elimination of defects of the Item by the Seller; or

9.2.2. to request a free replacement of an Item of improper quality with an Item of proper quality by the Seller; or

9.2.3. to request reduction the price of the Item by the Seller; or

9.2.4. to terminate the Agreement unilaterally and to claim return of the price of the Item paid by the Purchaser.

9.3. The Purchaser understands that the colour, shape and (or) other parameters of the Goods depicted in the Website can differ from the real shapes, colours and (or) parameters of the Item because of technical properties of device used by the Purchaser. Should you require more detailed information, advice or directions regarding our Goods, please contact the Seller by email [email protected].

10. The marketing measures applied by the Seller

10.1. The reserves the right, at its own discretion, to enter and (or) revoke at any time offers, promotions or to change the prices of Goods published in the Website or any material or consent of the Website or without violation of the Customer‘s rights, including the terms and conditions of the Agreement made prior to such change.

11. Exchange of information

11.1. The Seller shall send all notifications to the Purchaser to the Purchaser‘s email address under the procedure provided in clause 2.2 of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

11.2. The Customer shall send all his/her notifications and inquiries to the Seller to the contacts specified in clause 12.4 of these Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

12. The final provisions

12.1. These Rules of Goods purchase and sale form an integral part of the Rules. Inquiries relating to purchase of Goods in the Website and use of the Website not covered by these Rules of Goods purchase and sale, are governed in the procedure of use of the Website and (or) other documents of the Rules. If there are any discrepancies between other documents that form the Rules and these Rules of Goods purchase and sale, the Rules of Goods purchase and sale shall prevail.

12.2. The Purchaser and the Seller agree that all disputes, claims and / or disagreements relating to the Agreement or that have arisen in connection with its execution, infringement, termination or invalidity, shall be settled in the way of negotiation. If both sides cannot reach an agreement by negotiation, the disputed shall be settled in accordance with the legal acts of the British Isles as specified in the procedure of use of the Website.

12.3. The Seller shall be entitled to change, adjust or supplement the Rules of Goods purchase and sale in the way provided in the procedure of use of the Website. Therefore, the Rules of Goods purchase and sale that are valid during placement of Goods order will be applied at the time of placement of Goods order by the Purchaser. In all cases the Purchaser shall undertake to make familiar himself/herself with the Rules of Goods purchase and sale every time he/she places Goods order by ticking an appropriate box thus showing his/her familiarity with the Rules and that he/she understands the Rules available in the Website that are valid at the time of ordering Goods, including a valid version of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale.

12.4. If you wish to notify us about infringement of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale, should you have any inquiries, claims or should you require our assistance regarding interpretation of the Rules of Goods purchase and sale or their application, please contact us by email [email protected] or at the address UAB “GSS Baltic“, Zuvininku str. 5, LT-76281, Siauliai. We will respond to your written inquiries within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of inquiry.

Annex No 1 Return Form