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Experience wonderful health and beauty benefits by using this body brush from Hydrea London's professional spa range. This professional spa brush has firm cactus bristles which are perfect for dry brushing the body before entering the sauna. The brushing removes the dead skin cells and opens the pores to more effectively sweat out the toxins while you relax. Therefore this brush is excellent for use as part of a Detox program. The fixed head gives extra control when using the wide sweeping motions recommended for dry brushing the body.
Dry brushing has many health and beauty benefits. It exfoliates away dead surface cells and cleanses and unblocks pores for smoother, brighter and blemish-free skin. Dry brushing helps stimulate the lymphatic system to drain toxins safely away from the fatty layers in the skin helping to prevent build-up of cellulite and improving the function of the skin. An efficient lymphatic system helps protect the immune system, improve digestion and reduce puffiness and blemishes, improve general wellbeing and increase energy. Brushing also releases endorphins to help reduce stress and aid sleep patterns. Dry brushing stimulates blood circulation to increase nutrients to deep skin layers and encourages cell renewal for healthier younger-looking skin. Regular brushing can accelerate the body’s healing process and help slow down the aging process. Brushing can also prevent in-growing hairs, prepare the skin for tanning, prolong a suntan, tone muscle and tighten the skin.
How to dry brush: this is best carried out before a bath or shower. Start at the soles of your feet brush in long strokes up your legs, then concentrate on brushing your hands and up your arms. Repeat this 7 times. When brushing your chest and upper back focus the strokes towards your heart. Brush in circular motions over the abdomen. The whole routine should take about 10-15 minutes.
Do not use on sensitive areas (face) or on broken skin. If you are new to dry body brushing try lighter strokes at first until your skin gets used to it
To clean the brush, tap to remove any skin debris. The brush can be washed in warm soapy water and allowed to dry naturally with the bristles facing down.