Each human hair is enveloped in small particles resembling fish scales. Various damages lift these particles away from the hair structure, creating the impression of dry and coarse hair.

It is common for every woman or girl in the bathroom to see a range of bottles of different body and hair care products. But taking care of your body has long been not just a woman’s habit. Social networks and various media are just encouraging men to pay more attention to themselves and start taking care of their body and hair. So regardless of gender, one should look for the best body care products to help not only maintain a good look but also health. So why conditioners should be used by both men and women?

Each human hair is enveloped in small particles resembling fish scales. Various lesions lift these particles away from the hair structure, creating the impression of dry and coarse hair. Conditioners help to soften the structures surrounding the hair, bring them closer to the hair itself, thus providing shine and softness. What’s more, softer hair is less static and has less splitting at the ends, making hair much easier to style. However, conditioners are used not only for appearance. Hair conditioners strengthen the hair, protect it from breakage, splitting and even hair loss.

The conditioner can be used both immediately after the shampoo or alone. It is usually recommended to use the conditioner several times a week, but it is not bad to use it daily as well. Common sense should be followed - if the hair is often greasy, the conditioner should be used less often. If the hair is thick or damaged (sun, dye or chlorine), then the conditioner should be used more often. Hair conditioners come in a variety of ways and are often tailored to a specific hair problem, so when properly applied, they can be used on a daily basis. You can also choose a natural hair conditioner to help further strengthen your hair and improve its appearance.

It is common to think that it is enough to use only one of the two - either shampoo or conditioner. However, truly human hair is a complex structure that requires the use of both tools. However, it is not necessary to use both continuously, just as it is not necessary for the shampoo and conditioner to be from the same manufacturer and the same product line. Both the shampoo and the conditioner should be chosen individually, trying out different variations and finding the best combination for your hair. Two-in-one products, which supposedly mix both shampoo and hair conditioner, are very popular among men. Unfortunately, such a product does not do its job at all and can further damage the hair. The advice in this case is to use a body wash and shampoo in one, but buy an extra bottle of hair conditioner. This will not only save space in the bathroom cabinet, but will also maintain the health of the scalp. After all, healthy and beautiful hair is everyone's aspiration, so why not try it?

You can find more products that meet your needs: https://klipshop.co.uk/hair/care/conditioner-balm/


Hair Care | Mens | Advice