Hair loss? Falling hair often becomes a particularly pressing issue. Many people experience noticeably thinning hair in autumn and spring, but it is important to understand that this is a normal response of the body not only to seasonal changes, but also to the modern lifestyle.

First of all, it is important to understand that some degree of hair loss is ... a natural part of hair growth. Growing hair goes through three main phases - growth, transition and dormancy. The first two are active, but in case of hair loss, the dormant phase becomes relevant, when it can be said that the hair rests as if hiding among other hairs that are still in the active phases and stop growing for about two months. At any given time, about 90-95 percent scalp hair is constantly growing, while the rest - going through a dormant phase and can fall out naturally. Thus, the loss of about 50-100 hairs at this time can be considered a normal phenomenon. Meanwhile, during the transitional seasons - spring and autumn - there is more hair going through the dormant phase and the number of hair loss increases.

So what can be considered the main causes of hair loss?

Sun exposure. During the summer, the effects of the sun intensify, so we naturally tend to be more exposed to the sun and enjoy it. This situation promotes certain changes in the body - that is, it encourages the body to produce less melatonin, which is needed to maintain the health of the skin and hair, reduce hair loss and promote their growth.

Stress. The consequence of the modern stressful lifestyle has extremely significant effects not only on well-being, health, but also on the beauty of hair. Stress is one of the biggest enemies of healthy hair, the effects of which intensify especially in autumn and even greater hair loss is noticeable. This happens for a relatively simple reason - a weakened immune system stimulates the body's self-protective function, which attacks the hair follicles and promotes their loss.

Changes in the body. In the fall, the body experiences changes - a decrease in iron, but an increase in the production of the male hormone - testosterone - in both men and women. The result is a contraction of the hair follicles, which directly contributes to a smaller or much slower growth of shorter hair and an intensification of hair loss.

All these reasons can be considered natural, which are almost impossible to avoid ... But it is really possible to choose the right strategy that will solve these problems. In this case, a complex solution to the problem is very important - to take care of the hair from the inside and from the outside, i. i.e., choose the right hair care products that contain enough active ingredients that will not only stop the hair from falling out, but also further strengthen it.

First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to a quality shampoo against hair loss, which improves the microcirculation of the scalp, stimulates cell metabolism, activates blood circulation, so although it is suitable for use all year round, it becomes especially relevant in the fall. In summary, it affects all problematic aspects of hair loss. The use of such a shampoo is identical to the usual - after applying it on the scalp, moisturize the hair and gently massage, but the result is already stronger and more lush hair.

Next, in addition to the usual moisturizing conditioner, hair masks are offered as an additional means of lotion against hair loss. It can be considered an indispensable preventive measure. As in the previous case, this remedy contributes to even greater effectiveness in solving the problem of falling hair, gently stimulating their roots and exerting an antioxidant effect. This product should be used immediately after washing the hair, covering the scalp and gently massaging.


If the hair loss is very abundant, it is recommended to use a superactive - that is a strong stimulant for hair loss or alopecia caused by hormonal causes. Such a measure additionally solves another of the most common problems associated with hormonal changes by normalizing the hormonal balance in the body. For this reason, the hair starts to grow stronger, healthier, the scalp becomes firmer, less oily. It is recommended to use this product on the scalp - i.e. after rinsing the scalp, cover the scalp and massage it.

How do you take care of your hair? Maybe you comb (or maybe a more accurate description would be pulling out?) them with a damaging brush? There is currently an insanely large selection of soft, non-bearing brushes: Wet Brush, Dessata, Tangle Teezer. Just guess the choice! By the way, it is better not to comb wet hair.

Thus, such hair care products are expected to effectively address the most common hair loss problems from the outside. However, it is important to recognize that such nurturing tactics are only part of the solution to the problem, where it is also important to keep in mind a proper diet by including a sufficient variety of B vitamins, minerals and iron in your diet.