Not a single man would not support the idea that a woman's hair is her flag. It is an accent that often highlights a woman’s beautiful qualities and reveals facial features. Unfortunately, women do not always manage to keep that "flag" shining and attracting the attention of others. One of the most common problems is hair loss.

Hair loss can be caused by heredity or a serious illness, surgery. Some women complain of abundantly falling hair after pregnancy. And while hair loss often seems like a temporary problem, in the long run it can become a difficult and costly and time-consuming problem.

There are a variety of reasons

Normal hair loss is 50 to 100 hairs a day, if you feel the amount is really higher, you might want to look into the causes of hair loss. They can be very diverse.

Doctors cite heavy metal poisoning as a common cause of hair loss. For example, selenium is a much-needed element for our body, but when it is multiplied, it not only causes hair loss, but also disrupts the nervous and digestive systems.

Hair loss can also be affected by an unbalanced diet. If you rarely eat fresh vegetables, fruits, avoid fish and seafood in your daily diet, and do not drink enough water, this may be one of the reasons why you started to lose hair.

Any infectious disease, flu, diabetes or thyroid disorders can also negatively affect hair growth. Medications prescribed to treat these diseases can also cause damage not only to your internal organs but also to the externally visible, i.e. for hair, nails, facial skin. Therefore, the composition of the preparations used should be taken into account.

Grandmothers had their own methods of treatment

It is no secret that in our time our grandmothers also tried to treat diseases such as hair loss. Only their methods were much more natural at that time. For example, the use of onion peel decoction, whey or beer was extremely popular. According to ancestral wisdom, these products helped to strengthen the hair.

Also, it is known that in ancient times, women used to make a nasturtium and nettle lotion: they crushed 100 grams of nasturtium leaves, flowers, fresh seeds and mixed them with 100 grams of fresh nettle leaves. The mixture was filled with 500 millilitres of medical spirit and strained off after 15 days. Brushed this lotion into the scalp the night before.

Medicines are more effective than herbs

However, experts acknowledge that herbal, natural preparations rarely help. If the disease is chronic - medical treatment and special products with certain chemicals are necessary.

One such substance is lysine. It is one of the most important amino acids in humans, which helps to absorb and store calcium, maintain muscle structure and stimulate the release of growth hormone, which is especially important for hair.

Also, when choosing products to reduce hair loss, you should look for products that contain hydroxyproline. It is one of the major amino acids in the composition of a collagen of a protein. Products containing this amino acid strengthen the hair roots, protect and maintain a healthy condition of the scalp and help prevent or reduce hair loss caused by physiological causes.

You can find products, precisely enriched with these substances at


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